Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Wow, I am EMBARRASSED that I haven't posted since early October. Excuse: Visit to Katie in CT, parents came for a stay, and two college visiting trips (with two more to go). Funny how when you think back it never seems as though you were really as busy as you thought you were at the time. But I'm pretty sure I've only been on our home computer once in October. Seems like I get home and crash.

The thing about the college trips is that the ponies go without my tender loving care for a day. But it is good to come home and see that they survived, and that maybe, just maybe, they CAN do without me for 24 hours. The barn friends were poking fun at me because I left three notes at the barn with emergency numbers when we went to visit Katie (two days, one night). I left one on the manager's desk, one on Dude's door and one on Bestie's door. They were like, "Did you leave ENOUGH notes?? We thought we'd find them all over the barn!" A little obsessive compulsiveness, what can I say.

After each of my absences I arrived at the barn on the following day to find both horses happy, healthy and very dirty. They always look up when I arrive like "Oh, there she is!" Dude does his low nicker and Bestie does her high pitched crazed-sounding whinny. It's a nice welcome, and one that I'll never get tired of. Today it is raining and cold, in the 40s, so I doubt they got turned out. I'm just hoping this isn't the beginning of the usual dreary claustrophobia-inducing weather we see in November. I'm not ready to ride/work them inside yet!

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