Monday, July 5, 2010

Weather finally shifts to summer

After weeks of rain and cool weather, we plunged into summer last Friday. Typical Vermont weather change - the day before I wore a soft shell jacket in to work! Friday was actually quite beautiful with sunny skies and a good breeze. It's gotten progressively warmer since then.

The horses' fields are really drying out with this warm weather, which is good. Dude had lost a shoe about a week ago when the field he was in was pretty swampy. It was so wet back in the field that there was no way I would find the shoe, which I realized after about ten minutes of walking the field. It'll probably turn up in a frost heave this winter! We've been scrubbing his legs quite a bit since it seemed like the constant mud might contribute to scratches.

I rode Bestie on Friday and it was a nice ride. She didn't do her usual 360 turn as we headed out to the field after about fifteen minutes in the indoor. And she was totally over the pigeons roosting in the rafters, which had caused a major sideways leap about a week ago - yay for saddle horns to grab on to!

The past couple of days we have gone to the barn only to clean them up and hose them down because it has been so warm. Dude in particular gets really sweaty when the temps zoom. I decided to cut his evening grain by half over the next few days just to play it safe. The big barn fans are running and there are a couple of box fans hung down at our end of the barn, so the air is circulating and the barn stays fairly pleasant. I think Dude and Bestie sweat when they first get brought in as a result of the transition from outside to inside and the walk in. And Bestie unfortunately has the afternoon sun coming in her little window, although she doesn't get as sweaty as Dude.

Looks like the whole week will have temps in the upper 80s. I am certainly not complaining - it is great to feel the warmth and see the sun!

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