Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring? Winter? Make up your mind, Mother Nature!

It's been one of those weeks. We started off with a H-U-G-E snowstorm that blew in over Sunday and Monday, depositing about two feet of snow in many northern Vermont areas. Welcome to March! Then we had beautiful crisp, blue skies on Tuesday and Wednesday, blustery winds on Thursday and Friday, sprinkles on Saturday, and rain/sleety snow on Sunday.

The horses were in on Saturday and Sunday due to the rain; the temps had dropped back into the low 30s and it was kind of messy. Not that either said, "Hey, thank you for thinking of how chilled we might get standing out in that freezing drizzle." Uh, nope. Both Dude and Bestie looked at me pretty darn expectantly when I arrived at the barn Saturday and today. I think the message they were trying to send was more like, "There's been a terrible miscommunication, we've been stuck in our stalls all day, and we want you to make it right."

My "making it right" involved letting each of them roll and wander around the indoor for several minutes. Not too exciting. But the roads are slippery mud and the path through the paddocks is ankle deep in slush, so we didn't have a lot of options. Luckily, having that roll and strolling around the indoor seems to take the edge off. That, and a flake of hay upon return to their stalls.

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