Sunday, October 28, 2012

Bestie, hangin' at the gate

Barn friend Michelle is back in town for a bit, called in as back-up while our barn owners enjoy a vacation. Michelle was taking lessons at the barn when I first moved Dude and Bestie there. She is bubbly and talkative and a lot of fun. She now lives in Hawaii, and when she comes back to town she brings tons of goodies - so far we've enjoyed coffee covered macadamia nuts, macadamia caramel clusters, guava cookies, wasabi peas, macadamia caramel popcorn ... a different wonderful treat magically appears on the tack room table each day! Michelle seems to really enjoy the horses and their personalities, and snapped this pic of Bestie during the work day; I'm not sure if Bestie was at the gate to keep tabs on the comings and goings or because it was turn-in time. She does sorta have that "Hellooooo, The Princess wants to come in" look.

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