Sunday, May 12, 2013

A couple of photos from an evening visit

We've transitioned into spring with a bang! The snow lasted as long as it needed to (which is until the ski season ended mid-April), and we've had great weather since. There was a period of about a week when the paddocks were too muddy for turnout, but we had a stretch of temperatures in the 70s (and even hit 80 a couple times) with lots of sun so they dried out fast.

Dude and his buddies Skye and TC are in a back paddock, one of my least favorites because it is right off the road and not visible from the house. Bestie and sidekick Sadie are off the path to the outdoor. Lots of grass there and they DO NOT come to the gate when it's turn-in time - too busy munching.

We celebrated Bestie's birthday at the end of April - 17 years old!

Being back on grass has led to some serious zone-out moments on the cross ties in the evening. The fans are up - probably a first for May as it's hardly ever warm enough to warrant fans in spring.

Spring cleaning at the barn meant a bit of straightening in my tack area with lots of blankets taken home for washing and most of my winter outerwear also taken home. I left a jacket and one fleece; it IS May, but you never know if the temps will dip again at this point in the season! Bestie's Himalayan salt lick is on the tub. I took it out of her stall because she wouldn't leave it alone. I wasn't sure if she would eat the whole thing right down to nothing, so I put it in her feed dish while I'm at the barn and then take it out when I'm ready to head home. This is the "after" photo of the cubby - I should've taken a "before" shot. :)

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