Monday, July 15, 2013

Heza Handsome Guy Mr.

Actually his show name is Heza Flashy Dude Mr., and he IS a handsome guy. :)

Took these photos to text to Katie in the big city since she misses her guy.

When I take Dude and Bestie out to graze, this is always the starting point - the patch just up from the indoor arena's door. Then we work around the fence corner to the grass alongside the paddock path. You can tell in this photo that his top line and back end are really unmuscled after being off for a year with the hind end injury. We're slowly working on that. Now that I look again at this photo, he looks quite weirdly proportioned. He does have a long back, but his neck isn't nearly as giraffe-like as it seems in this photo. Photographer error, most likely, since I was leaning back holding the lead in my left hand while taking the photo with my phone in my right hand. Hats off to equine photographers who make them look so perfect!

He's a good boy.

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