Monday, September 14, 2015

A spectacular night

Let me start by saying that these pictures don't do tonight justice. AT ALL.

All day it rained. Probably the most rain we've had in weeks.
Then, right as I was leaving the barn, the weather front started moving through from the west.
That meant that the setting sun slowly emerged and was shining toward the black clouds still in the east. 
It completely lit up the hillside across from the barn.
I thought I would hear some sort of triumphant fanfare from the heavens, it was so beautiful.

Then, driving home with one eye on the road and the other on my rear view mirror,
I kept seeing the edge of the front shifting ... and shifting.
The sun emerged completely from the cloud cover as it was setting.
I wasn't the only one leaping out of their car with iPhone in hand.
Vermonters love capturing weather drama.

This was  much  more exciting than my plan A for a post - Dude's latest injury, which I'm thinking might be chapter 4 of his autobiography, "101 classic ways to hurt yourself and drive your owner crazy." Chapter 4 would cover going down for a good roll, getting carried away when leaping up, and somehow 1) kicking yourself or 2) kicking up rocks that nick you.

A brief recap from earlier this afternoon...
Text from barn manager Paula: Just letting you know, I put Dude out this morning in the round pen by himself with 4 other horses in the small paddocks. He got excited and did some acrobatics scratching both front legs. I washed him off and applied antibiotic ointment. :(

My reply: Thanks very much. Will he ever just chill???? :)

Reply by barn manager Paula, in person, after I arrived at the barn: "No. He's Dude."

Cleaned him up with Betadine  and poofed a generous cloud of Wonder Dust on his scrapes.

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