Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Barn as retreat space

Sometimes as I drive to the barn I can't wait to get there. Usually something has happened during my day that has been upsetting or disturbing, and I just want to get to the barn and take care of the horses and either think it through or not think of anything else BUT taking care of the horses. And sometimes it's a process of thinking it through and then not thinking about it anymore.

Today was one of those days. I was concerned about something, and as I drove to the barn, I found myself looking forward to simply brushing Dude and Bestie. I had planned to lunge Bestie since I had ridden Dude in a lesson the day before, but on the way there that plan just didn't seem right any more. I knew that by the time I got to the barn they would have been fed, and it would be the time of night when a low-key activity would be really good.

The barn was unusually quiet. The two other people who were there were out riding. Despite the quiet, Dude didn't really get it. I put him on the cross ties while I mucked his stall and then brushed him, and he kept prancing around, clearly trying to tell me that he wanted me to take him outside; The Act of Grooming as Therapy was NOT on his agenda. He did make me laugh though, because he was just so singleminded in his efforts to let me know he did NOT want to be on those cross ties.

Bestie got it. I put her on the cross ties and she was quiet. I curried her and she relaxed and kind of pushed into the curry, and even when I brushed her face she didn't jerk her head around like she normally does. She seemed to welcome the attention, and I was glad to give it, so all in all I think it was a mutually satisfying little grooming session.

After I got them both done and the stalls cleaned, I went and grabbed a couple of flakes of hay to toss into their stalls, and they both started munching contentedly. I love to watch that. All is right with the world when a flake of hay is in front of you. I left the barn happy. Clean ponies tucked in for the night and happily munching. But then I got home and started complaining about my day to my husband and got myself all worked up again. Oh well. I've got to learn to carry Barn Zen with me longer.

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