Friday, January 29, 2010

And what do you do with your horse when temps are in the single digits?

Answer: nothing. That's my answer, anyway. I had to work part of the day, so got to the barn at about 3:30. The horses had gone out for a two hour shift because of the extremely cold temperatures and wind. It's been a funky week because the fields and walkways were icy and all the fields couldn't be used for a couple days. It speaks to the energy level of the barn folk to make the effort to cycle about 30 horses through turnout on those days!

What was funny today was that despite the limited turnout, all the horses were quite dozy when I arrived. Of course, they had just had their hay and grain, so I guess full tummies and the cold temps had combined to tire them out. Even Bestie stopped eating hay to take a quick snooze. I have never, EVER seen her stop eating to nap. Amazing.

When the doors are shut, the barn stays pretty warm. The indoor thermometer registered 40 degrees while I was there today. Not bad at all. Unfortunately, when the doors are closed, the smell goes up a notch. It permeates your clothes quickly. Oh well.

I mucked Dude and Bestie's stalls, then groomed both horses, put their blankets back on, and left them contentedly munching hay.

The mirrors got installed in the indoor today. I pity the poor installers, they must've been freezing. When I drove to the barn, the thermometer at the truck place near home said 3 degrees. It was so cold I couldn't even bring myself to walk outside to the indoor and check out the mirrors. Will admire the installers' handiwork on our next "warm" day!

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