Saturday, November 13, 2010

Leaving the kids with the sitter

Wednesday night was prep night for leaving the equine kids in the barn manager's hands. I had to leave Thursday morning for a couple days in Boston. I don't go away all that often and I don't often miss a day at the barn, so it's always something of an event. Getting ready to go reminds me of when I would leave the kids with a babysitter, and how I'd run through the ol' mental checklist to make sure everything would be covered.

The equine version of the checklist:
Note on both of their stalls with a plea to take off their turnout sheets if the weather warmed up over 40 degrees - check.

Contact numbers for husband (who will be home) left for barn manager - check.

Discussion with husband about calling vet in case of any emergency - check.

Desitin still outside Dude's door to be rubbed on his scratches prior to turnout - check.

Extra bag of shavings outside Dude's door in case his stall gets really bad - check.

Supplement drawer full - check.

Kisses to the ponies as I ran out the door of the barn late Wednesday evening - check and check.

Got back home last night around 7:30 and decided to be a sane person, trust in the barn management, and not run to the barn to check on Dude and Bestie. Looking forward to seeing them today!

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