Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Horse Dad

That's my husband on the right, with his mom and older brother. I'm guessing he was maybe about two years old. He sent me the photo in an email with the subject line "my first horse." When I opened the message, the only words were, "guess I never found another one so nice." I'd venture to say that's probably a true statement, given his horsey experiences. That faintly alarmed look on his little face might be due to the fact that he was having some premonition of what the future would bring: a succession of horsey misadventures.

These have included going on a trail ride with a raging fever rather than telling his mom he was sick and missing the ride; going on a trail ride -with pneumonia- to celebrate one of our wedding anniversaries (he actually didn't know he had pneumonia, he just felt really really bad and rode anyway); suffering a torn Achilles while hanging from a horse that took off with him in the process of getting into the saddle (on a multi-day trail ride to celebrate another anniversary); and being on the receiving end of a sound kick to the thigh as an innocent bystander near two ponies who went from nosing each other to expressing their dissatisfaction at each other's proximity by Kicking Out. Ow.

Given all this, I can't really blame him for not exactly embracing the horse experience. But he has ridden Dude a couple times with no ill effects, and when the kids were showing he could be counted on to hold the reins when one of them needed to eat lunch or run to the bathroom, or to give a leg up when mounting blocks were MIA. He might have done all this with the same slightly unsettled, perplexed "what's this all about??" expression captured above, but he did it. Thanks, Horse Dad. :)

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