Friday, September 30, 2011


This is what Tuesday looked like in northern Vermont ...

... so, needless to say, I was itching to head to the barn after work and ride Bestie. All through the afternoon hours, I thought about it with anticipation. Got to the barn, saddled her up, and off we went. It wasn't a long ride, or a ride where we perfected something that had been a challenge. But it was a great ride. Really fun. Maybe Bestie was pleased about the beautiful day, too. Maybe she fed off my happiness and feeling of relaxation. In any case, it felt like we were both "walking on sunshine."

I thought back to Tuesday afternoon at my yoga class last night. Our teacher was talking about meditation, and how it may allow you to have these insights that flash at a moment's notice. She described a recent instance where this had happened to her, and how it was a perfect moment. That's how I felt on Tuesday. Perfect. And I'm going to try to just accept it and be grateful and not be too greedy for such moments. I'm sure there will be more.

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