Friday, January 31, 2014

Happy birthday Dude!

Today Dude is 21 years old. He has been part of our family for 13 years. Amazing ... where does the time go?

Last weekend I was filing some of the invoices from last year's spring and fall vet visits for routine shots, and teeth and sheath cleaning. I've got binders for both Dude and Bestie, and as I was filing the invoices on Dude's care in his binder, I came across the listing of pro's and con's that the girls developed as we were considering purchasing Dude wayyyy back in 2001.

I. Love. It.

Reading the list makes me laugh to see what they considered the pro's. Likes dogs; yes, which I'm thankful for given the current influx of puppies at the barn. Dad can ride ... um, yeah, how many times did that happen?

And so sweet to picture them developing this list, with its concerns about "skinney legs" and "nivicular." Won't jump? Well, yeah, he's definitely not built for it, but that didn't stop him from taking first in a hunter cross rail class, doing the course with his ears pricked forward happily. Backwards training? Backwards as compared to what we as novices knew at the time (I think that's why that little "us" is listed as a con) ... that backwards training gave us an opportunity to learn.

Reading through the list brings back a whole lot of memories of all our adventures with Dude.

"Will never outgrow him." True.
"He is wondeful." Also true.

Happy birthday Heza Flashy Dude Mr.

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