Sunday, March 9, 2014

Horse beauty products

It's that time of year. The sun is out more, so it feels like spring is coming, but the temperatures are still cold and the horses are still in their blankets .. disgusting, dirty, manure-encrusted blankets. And underneath, shedding hair, lots of dander. Bleh. At the barn we all stand in the aisle and groom our ponies, complaining about how gross they are and how we can't wait to give them a bath. In northern Vermont, MAYBE that could happen in April, but it's not likely. Bathtime will be sometime in May, probably.

Dude and Bestie usually look pretty good coat-wise, but this time of year is tough. Maybe because the winter has been colder than normal, their coats seem kind of dry and dull. So I've been eyeballing a few products to try. One girl at the barn uses as Eqyss coat conditioner that smells like tropical fruit, and she really likes its effect on her horse's coat. The scent puts us all in a happy mood when she sprays it; a bonus. So that one's a possibility.

I've also been thinking about the argan oil hair wipes that I put in the girls' stockings for Christmas. Seems like those would work well, too. I just spent a few minutes Googling to be sure that argan was safe for horses, and it turns out that in countries where the trees grow, horses eat the leaves. Learned something new!

Apparently there are more horse owners than me thinking about this, because Googling also led to numerous forum threads with discussions about preferred horse coat conditioning products. Argan, coconut, baby oil - that last one doesn't seem good; too greasy. I'll have to investigate coconut oil, which seemed like a popular choice on the forums. I wonder if it smells strong. At least argan doesn't really have much scent. I see some time at Guy's Farm & Yard reading product labels in my future.

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