Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Dude and Cullen, together again

Well, kind of.

Dude and Cullen boarded together at our first barn, and again at our second barn. Cullen moved to barn #2 before Dude. When Dude was moved to the second barn after not seeing Cullen for a couple months, he was turned out in Cullen's field. Upon spotting each other, they both trotted toward each other nickering while we all went "awwwwwwwwwwwww."

Now they've been reunited after a break of, gosh, I'm not even sure how long - maybe seven years. There were high hopes that the bromance would continue. Dude was having some difficulties coexisting happily with his pasture mates, so it seemed like the perfect solution to pair him with Cullen.

The photo below is of their reintroduction. I actually was trying to video them, not take a photo. :) Cullen got cut off from the photo; that's his hip and stomach on the right. It was funny that Dude actually stopped chewing his hay and went to the door to see Cullen with the hay hanging out of his mouth. They nuzzled a little bit and then Cullen lost interest. I think the poor guy was a bit overstimulated; he had just moved in about a half hour prior. Lots of new stuff to focus on, let alone a bunch of people standing around him in the aisle to watch him meet another horse.

The next day, Dude and Cullen were turned out together. Apparently all went well for a bit. They both rolled and started grazing, but at some point, it was like Dude decided that he did not want Cullen in his field. He started herding Cullen around, so someone went out and separated them. I got this report upon arriving at the barn that evening - a report on my difficult kid. The next day Dude was reintroduced to his old pasture mates, and they've been doing fine.

Today Dude was on the cross ties right by Cullen's stall when Cullen was brought in. I watched Dude and he got really alert and interested as Cullen came closer. I still think there's a connection. :)

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