Sunday, May 10, 2009

Colder temperatures plus no turn out equals ...

horses that make threatening "I'm bustin' out" moves at their stall guards and prance all the way out to hand graze.

Katie and I got to the barn today around 3:30. I opened Dude and Bestie's doors and put their stall guards up then went into the bathroom to change. I could hear Bestie making obnoxious squealing noises at her neighbor, but otherwise all seemed well.

I mucked her stall, then Katie mucked Dude's. While she was mucking, I guess Dude decided that this whole process was taking long enough, thank you very much, because from my vantage point in the aisle, I would periodically see his head and chest press against the stall guard as Katie bellowed, "GET BACK!" Once we clipped their leads on the halters, Dude started doing his oh-so-funny prancy trot through the indoor. It's his 1100 pound Quarter Horse version of a dressage trot, hee. Then he spun around her as we exited the indoor and did a little rear and buck. She got him turned around and headed in the right direction. It took both horses a while to settle down to eating grass. There was a lot of grab a bite, walk three steps, grab a bite, walk three steps.

This whole week that they've been confined indoors, they've been really good when I've led them out to hand graze. We could only think to chalk it up to the 40 degree weather; it seemed that with the much cooler temperatures they were feeling their oats. Or, actually their pellets and senior feed. Not quite as poetic :).

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