Sunday, March 14, 2010

Suffering from pony withdrawal

Today was my first day at the barn since Wednesday. Last week was crazy with 4H commitments on two evenings, a drive to MA to pick up Maddie, and a hockey tournament. Luckily Katie was home on break to pinch hit for me and to also enjoy a couple rides on Dude.

When I got to the barn I checked out their stalls, added a bit of shavings to Dude's, then walked out to get Dude and Bestie from their fields. Bestie nickered as soon as she saw me, as did Dude when he spotted me--what better welcome than that??! I went to get Dude first, and he started to head to the gate, but then Dusty, one of his pasture mates, got cranky and went after him, so Dude took off at a run around the field, away from the gate. The fields are such a mess after these two weeks of thawing that I was afraid he was going to slip and fall. I yelled and shook the lead rope at Dusty so he'd leave Dude alone, then I caught Dude and got him through the gate. Grrr. Put him in his stall, then went back out for Bestie.

Since I had played hockey all weekend I really only wanted to groom them and then head home to crash on the couch. They were a total mess: blankets caked with mud, mud on their legs and necks, hooves packed with mud. It took forever -- two hours -- to clean them up, and my arms are soooo tired tonight. I scrubbed Dude's feet out with hoof antiseptic. I tried to brush off their turnout sheets, but didn't accomplish much, it's like the blankets have reached the stage where the dirt is ground in. Hopefully the fields either freeze up or dry out. I just can't believe that it won't turn cold again ... it is awfully early for consistent temps in the 40s to stick around. Also hope this week allows for a bit more barn time. I miss the ponies when I can't see them every day!

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