Thursday, September 30, 2010


I had a bunch of miscellaneous thoughts this week as I made my daily barn trips. Tonight I realized that they could all be grouped under the heading "gratefulness":

To Dude and Bestie for always giving me a nicker when I arrive, and for providing warm fuzzy necks to lean against and ground me after a rough day.

To Amanda, who is riding Bestie for me while my knee is messed up. I had a chance (finally!) to watch her on Bestie this week and it was an awesome sight. Looks like we got a little Western pleasure pony on our hands ... who woulda thought?

To the barn folk today for watching the skies and getting the horses out for a few hours and back in before the weather turned positively yucky. As I told them, I was positively stressed because I got stuck at work late, so I drove to the barn in a steadily increasing state of horse mom guilt, weighing my desperate need to regain mental health at yoga with the fact that the horses would have been cooped up and need to be walked. Miracle! They'd gone out. Guilt gone, replaced by supreme gratefulness to barn friends.

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