Sunday, January 10, 2016

A hardworking girl needs hock boots

When Bestie got checked over by holistic vet Kim Henneman back in the fall, one of the the things Kim mentioned was that Bestie's right hip was lower than her left and there seemed to be some imbalance there. She definitely favors a side and we've been working in lessons to balance her.

After talking to a couple people at the barn, I decided to invest in some hock boots for her. I bought the same kind a friend at the barn has - Back on Track - and the friend gave me a coupon ... nice! Bestie really just needed one - for her right hock - but they're sold in a pair. Seems like wearing two can't hurt.

So, almost every day, before I start grooming her, I put them on. She's fine with them. No drama. She probably wears them about 20 minutes. The hock boots are one of those things that I guess could be called an investment. She doesn't have problems that I know of, seems it's fairly minor age-related wear and tear. Hopefully a little TLC in the form of the boots will help keep it that way.

The hock boot material is similar to splint boots, but the material is ceramic infused. After she wears them for the 20 minutes, her hocks feel slightly warmer to the touch.

Here's what the Back On Track website says: Designed to reflect the horse's own body-warmth, Back on Track horse boots create a soothing far infrared thermal heat, which can help alleviate pain associated with inflamed muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints. Used for both injury prevention as well as injury recovery. Back on Track products are not to be compared with magnetic therapy. Our form of therapy works with your horses own body heat.

They are easy to  put on and seem to be holding up well. Bestie's stall neighbor Jack, who is in his 20s, also wears them. When the horses are indoors due to the weather, he wears his hock boots for long stretches at a time.

When I put the link into this entry, I noticed that Back on Track has people products, too. I may have to check them out. 

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