Monday, August 10, 2009

Baby Bestie

Last night I finally got around to filing a big stack of old vet and farrier receipts and this year's Coggins tests in Dude and Bestie's binders, and I came across this photo of Baby Bestie. It's actually on her registration papers. Sometimes when I arrive at the barn and she turns to look at me, she'll be in this exact position. It's kind of funny to me because it's such a "caught in the act" shot. Wish we had one for Dude too; I would've loved to see him as a colt.

Weather today: 85 degrees, 72 percent humidity. All the horses had their stall fans on, but it was still sticky in the barn. I could feel the sweat trickling down my back, ugh. Cleaned their stalls, refreshed their water, hosed them both down, and headed down the road for an ice cream cone. :)

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