Saturday, August 9, 2008

Amazing grass for August

Bestie doesn't come up for air when the grass is this good!

Dude grazes in his new fly sheet. Unfortunately, while he was grazing a big bug got underneath it, bit him, and he bucked, dropped and rolled. Nothing is ever easy!

Today was absolutely beautiful; our first pleasant sunny day in ages. Pretty much all of July was rainy. The one good result of all that rain is that the grass around the barn is fantastic. Usually by August it starts to get thin and brown, but it is positively lush right now and the horses love it. We try to handgraze them because the pastures are pretty eaten down by now. Also, it's been a tough summer for hay and a lot has been thrown out because it was bailed too quick and was wet. I'm dreading the winter, because we haven't had a decent hay delivery yet this summer. What are they going to eat all winter when this beautiful grass is just a faint memory?

Another shot of Dude in his new fly sheet. We left instructions for the turnout crew that he should only wear it when it's not too hot and muggy; he'd sweat to death. Hopefully it will cut down on the bug bites. And hopefully one won't get underneath it again to bite him. He was pretty freaked out by the bite today while Katie was grazing him. Oh, and the plaid Weatherbeeta also fit and looks terrific on him!

1 comment:

The Aging Pony said...

Wow, look at that grass! It has been a rainy summer here, too. The grass is great, but I am also worried about hay this winter. Here's hoping for some good hay weather coming up!