Monday, September 21, 2009

Boulder found in Dude's hoof

Ok, maybe not a boulder, but definitely a REALLY BIG rock. I went up to get Dude out of his field and he walked out fine; that was the funny thing. I didn't notice the giant rock sticking out of the back of his right front hoof until I bent down to brush his leg. Even then, at close range, I kind of looked at it in disbelief. The thing was probably about 1 1/2 inches (the end wedged in between the ends of his shoe) by 4 inches by 2 1/2 inches. And about an inch thick. The poor guy looked like he had on some sort of Flintstones modern stone age family wedge heel.

I picked up his foot and tried to pry it out, all the while nervous that his shoe would pop off. Which would be BAD because I believe our farrier is out of town. It took a bit, but I finally managed to rock the rock out--no pun intended--by lifting and pushing and lifting and pushing at the fat end. Dude was pretty unconcerned about the whole episode. He just kept grazing. He seemed to put equal weight on both front feet, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's a little sore tomorrow.

I was bummed that I didn't have my camera; it was in the tack room, and I certainly wasn't going to walk him down to the barn with the rock fully lodged in order to get a photo. Would've been a great photo though. One of those "Huh. How did THAT happen?" shots.

I'm feeling like I need a couple really good guardian angels for my horses right about now. Applications being accepted.

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